Over the last two days I have photographed a large group of Waxwings in north London. They have been feeding on about 4 Rowan (I think) trees by the side of a main road, and so every time a large lorry goes past they are spooked up into the trees in the back gardens of the neighbouring houses. Before long, however, they descend back into the berry trees for a feeding frenzy. The local Mistle Thrush also does its best to see them off the berries, calling forcefully and constantly, and trying to shoo them off the berries. Here are a couple of said Mistle Thrush.

And now some Waxwing images, the first of which is one of my favourites of this year.
Thanks for reading
What wonderful photos - I also love the waxwing with the sorbus berry in its mouth! I too went to see the same flock feeding next to the main road near Mill Hill. They seemed completely unafraid of people which is wonderful as they come so close. Thank you for sharing these photos.