Saturday, 27 October 2012

London Wetland Centre

A couple of weeks ago, after an early morning visit to Richmond Park, I then went to the London Wetlands Centre (WWT London) to see if I could find anything to photograph there. It is approaching the time of year when I start photographing Bitterns there, as they overwinter there in numbers between about 3 and 7. The first of the winter has already arrived, but is remaining fairly elusive, as they do until the cold weather comes, when they are forced out onto the ice.

Anyway, just the one image to show for my visit, but it's a rather unusual one (for me, anyway). I was sitting in one of the hides watching a Grey Heron on a grass bank just to my right. It kept coming nearer and nearer, before suddenly its eyes locked onto something in the grass below it. Seconds later, it darted its beak into the grass, and emerged with a vole in its beak! I'm afraid I don't know what species of vole it is, but it certainly isn't a water vole.

Thanks for reading

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