Saturday, 14 January 2012

Regent's Park

Last Monday, the last day of my Christmas holidays, I was at Regent's Park with Bertie Gregory photographig Grey Squirrels and Grey Herons. The squirrels there are very tame, and some even take food from the hand! The only lens I had with me was a 200-400, and so rather than shooting wide angle images like Bertie was, I moved further back and lay on the path.

This next image is when one of the Squirrels sat on one of the park benches to eat a nut.

I'm off out shooting again tomorrow so will hopefully have another blog post at some point in the next week.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Absolutely top-notch blog Oscar. Wow, I wish I was half as good as you, and I'm twice your age!

  2. Thank you Christain! Much appreciated. I love your Barn Owls, especially those from 4th December and the silhouetted bird against the golden sky.


  3. A great read Oscar with many lovely photos to see as well.
